Saturday, November 8, 2008

Nummy Snacks

I'm thinking of trying out the chocolate fondue set today. I picked up some marshmallows yesterday to dip in it. What else would be good? Probably NOT jelly, so that's out (seriously, what is it with me and jelly? Should I join a 12-step program?). I did get some of my latest fave cereal - Blueberry Frosted Mini-Wheats - would those be good in chocolate? How about popcorn? That would be tasty, right? Any suggestions? I'm a fondue virgin, so I have no idea what to try. And the fact that I'm at home alone making avocado dip and fondue (for my party of one) shouldn't be alarming at all, right? I do have crafts to make....I just need fuel, right? :)


denedu said...

You could try bananas or apples. Angel food cake is good dipped in chocolate, too. We were actually talking about doing a fondue night for David's birthday. Yummy!!! Take some pictures to let us know how it all turned out! :)

BCassFam said...

Bananas are the best.

Mandos said...

mmmm... Chocolate! Sounds Ymmy.

If you ask me everything is better dipped in chocolate!

Anonymous said...

I personally like pretzels, but oreo cookies, peanut butter cookies, rice crispy treats, pound cake, butter or sugar cookie, fruit is alright. I'd even venture to dip a chocolate brownie.

amywells said...

Cheesecake is another good one!

amywells said...

...oh yeah, strawberries are also good in chocolate.