Monday, November 3, 2008

Mission Impossible

The mission: Take a super cute photobooth picture with McP, McH, McG, and Pinky on Halloween while McP was her furry mouse self.
Time: Mid-afternoon
Date: Halloween
The plan: McG would pose with McP in the first frame, then rapidly pass off McP to McH for the second frame. After this, McH would pass off McP to Pinky for the third frame, and then we'd hold up McP by herself for the last frame.
The result: Um. The first attempt (on the left) was NOT stellar. McH had an early "trigger finger" reaction and thought the picture had been taken, when it had not. Hence, the action shots in the first two frames. The second attempt was much better - although they were laughing at me how my frame in both attempts looks picture perfect. What can I say? I like pictures. :) Plus, I've got a lot of practice in photobooths (you should see my collections from the fair when I was little. I rocked the photobooths).

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