Thursday, November 13, 2008

Hello Kitty Night at Cindy Ree's

Hello Kitty was definitely in the air yesterday and especially last night as we shared our weekly feast at Cindy Ree's (hear that, Jimmy - I eat there once a week, not every night, you brat). McH surprised me with these super cute Hello Kitty fleece jammie pants (which match perfectly with my new Hello Kitty PJ shirt! I love them! THANK YOU!!!) and McP was in love with them. I think my Hello Kitty love may already be rubbing off on her (great minds think alike), as she couldn't stop playing with them all night. Of course that meant we had to try out the Hello Kitty beanie hat on her, as well. We couldn't resist!

As you can see, Ruthie found true love as we left Cindy Ree's and walked to our car. Don't they make a cute couple? We had a great time, as always. I just love our Cindy Ree's night (obviously). Come join us sometime! :) Meet McFamily. Have a laugh. Fall in love with Hello Kitty. You'll be glad you did. :)

1 comment:

  1. I so want to come to a Cindy Ree's night! God that kid is so cute! Somebody get her an agent!
