Friday, November 28, 2008

Friends, Movies, and an Early Christmas

It was a nice, long day spent with family and friends today. First off, my sister had some old friends visiting and we were able to hang out with them for awhile. Next, we ventured into town for some In and Out Burger and the movies. We almost had a catastrophe when High School Musical 3 wasn't playing, but luckily we were able to get Phoenix calmed down. The boys (except for Max) went to see Twilight and the girls (with Max) went to see Madagascar 2. It was cute. Finally, we went home for our early Christmas celebration. Unfortunately, Max was worn out and missed out on all the fun. I think we did pretty good with the gifts - Phoenix was running around screaming she was so excited (as she got all things High School Musical - just like any seven-year-old would wish for). Now we need to get all packed up and ready for the long adventure back home.

1 comment:

  1. What kind of cards are those? Once again those kids are cute.
