Saturday, November 1, 2008

Fall Back? Yes, Please!

While it's completely possible that I don't really understand Daylight Savings Time, I do know how happy "Fall Back" makes me. Granted, I'm not quite as happy when "Spring Forward" comes around, but I'm all about the Falling Back. How does it work, though? And why can Arizona say, "No, thanks. Not for us" to the whole thing? It seems like it would be something everyone should do. Now, I realize it's something scientific and all that, but why can the date change from year to year? Of course I noticed this morning at 8 a.m. (why I was up at 8 a.m. on a Saturday morning I'll never know) that it was darker than midnight outside, so I figured it was getting to be that time again, but I thought it usually happens in October. All I know is that I'll happily take another hour of sleep anytime it's offered. Hooray for sleeping in! :)


MaryDoYaWantTo said...

Daylight savings saved my ass...went out to that party, had to be at work by 8am and got to sleep an extra hour...YAY!

Buffy Clark said...

DITTO!!! I love to "fall back" too. Dark at 8am, no thanks. Extra hour of sleep, bring it on!!!!

Christi said...

Hey Hot Kitty! Looks like you had a fun Halloween. Yay- hopefully the porn stache will be gone soon... heh heh

Tawn said...

LOL! Loved the "Maxine" comment! She is such a hoot! Love all your postings! They are alwasys so GREAT!

amywells said...

Pinky girl, you need to go national with your blog. You put a great spin on things. I love reading your blog it always makes me laugh. You and Brian need to write a book together about something......hey I would buy it! I too love fall back. I need a couple extra hours every weekend!