Saturday, November 15, 2008

Cyber Stalking? Yes, Please

It's so much fun to see everyone's pictures on Facebook (and their blogs, for that matter). I just love the way I can feel caught up with people I'm unable to see as often as I'd like. My friend, Tammy, from my hometown just posted this picture of us on Facebook....holy short hair! That must've been from like 1993 or something...she said it was the last time we saw each other. Could I look like more of a dork? Sheesh! Good news - the friend who was denying my friend request finally accepted. I realize this isn't really a big thing, but it certainly made me happy! :) I've been able to finds friends from all over - Sundance, home, school, Italy, and even from the summer I spent in Virginia. Good times. Perhaps they should just make me a walking recruiter for Facebook? I would rule at that job! :)

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