Sunday, November 9, 2008

Craving In-n-Out? May I Present Chadder's?

Let me just say one thing....WOW! Last night McB brought me a burger and fries from Chadder's (thank you, McB!!!) so that I could see how much it resembled In-n-Out Burger. I'd heard about this place (which apparently is completely styled after the look and taste of In-n-Out), but I couldn't know how similar it was until I tried it for myself. Yum Yum Yum! Now, granted, the sauce is a *wee* bit off the original, but the fries are exactly the same. In-n-Out will always reign supreme between the two franchises, but Chadder's will definitely take the edge off your cravings (and any true Californian will still crave a good ol' In-n-Out burger). If you get a chance, check it out! :) You'll be happy you did.

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