Friday, November 21, 2008

Celebrity Wrap Up, Saturday Edition

Hello and welcome to today's edition of Celebrity Wrap Up.Holy crap! I've never seen Keanu Reeves wear pants before! He always wears jeans (and a ratty jacket over a t-shirt). I'm stunned. Jennifer Connelley certainly looks, um, spotty.Oprah, honey, every chubby girl the world over knows that white is not our friend. Black = good. White = bad. I'm surprised you haven't learned that on your show.Could those pigtails be any cuter? She's killing me with her cuteness.Now, in general, I think Kristen Chenowith is completely adorable, but, um, wow. Why does this dress look like someone was wrapping a present?I had no idea the Hefty Cinch Sak doubled as a dress. Hmmm.

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