For the record (once again), I
hate being tagged (sorry, I know I'm a party pooper) in blogs/emails/etc. However, this one looked fun, so I'll accept Taryn's tag and play along. Just don't get any big ideas that I'll keep it up. And I'm not tagging anyone else, but if you'd like to play along, be my guest. :) And now, in no particular order:

1) I'm scared of the dark. And the Boogey Man. And scary movies. Basically, I'm a big schicken. I don't like to be scared AT ALL.

2) I was born at 5:13 a.m. on 5/13. Pretty cool, huh? My favorite numbers are 3 and 7 (also the year I was born, coincidence?).
OK, sometimes my favorite number is 28, but not this week.
3) My favorite Disney character is Ariel (which should come as no surprise to anyone, as I have a tattoo of her on my shoulder).

4) When I was in high school, I started to secretly like country music, but I'd only listen to it in my car and I'd totally deny it if anyone asked. I was completely mortified of my affection for country music (hey, it was high school). Even today, I pretend I don't have country presets on my car radio. I don't know why. Likewise, I LOVE rap music (mainly old school rap, though) and can recite way too many songs for my own good. I won Freshman Class President by changing the words to "I Need Love" to "I Need Shean" and rapping my speech. Yeah, it was awesome. Jealous?

5) There's a little bitty piece of my heart still broken from the first time I asked a boy to skate the couple's skate with me at the school skating party. When I said, "Do you want to skate?" his response was, "With who?"
Ouch! My first kiss was at the age of 12 with a boy from my soccer team.

6) My foreign language in college was American Sign Language. My foreign language in high school was Spanish. My mind seems unable to process either of these. When I lived in Italy and tried to speak Italian, I would literally speak Spanish and my hands would start signing instead of speaking Italian. They must have thought I was a special needs kid.

7) The first movie I ever saw in a movie theater was
Xanadu. I thought it was the greatest movie ever, especially when the paintings on the wall came to life and started dancing around. I'd never seen anything more amazing at the young age of 7. When I grew up, I wanted to be Olivia Newton-John (still do, come to think of it).
I, too, shared the great love of all things Olivia Newton-John. I loved her in Grease and Xanadu. Those were my first two records I ever owned. I use to listen to them all the time and pretend I was her. :)
I own Xanadu (my niece was named after the title character) and think Run DMC's Raising Hell is one of the best albums ever recorded!
I'm glad you accepted the tag. :)
See now wasn't that fun! I had fun reading it! And I promise not to tag you anymore :)
Xanadu--no. Country music in car--yes.
I love Olivia! My first cassette tape my parents ever got me was Olivia's greatest Hits Volume II (you know "Physical" is all about working out, right?).
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