Saturday, October 11, 2008

You Always Remember Your First Cake

McP's first birthday party was a lot of fun. There were plenty of people to help celebrate her special day - including Kten and Kben with their new baby, Klaeree. She's so tiny and dainty (especially compared to the growing-like-a-weed McP). Check out the pink hat and scarf I made for McP - I was so excited to see it fit perfectly! The biggest thrill of the night was watching McP get to taste cake for the first time, as she's never tasted sugar, chocolate, or anything sweet until now. It might just be me, but I think she liked it!


  1. Whoa McP looks all tripped out on that cake!!! Yummm!!! Love the scarf/beanie set!

  2. the hat you made is super cute!

  3. LOVE THE HAT AND SCARF! McP looks so cute in them! What a SUPER CUTE kid she is!
