Thursday, October 30, 2008

There is a God

Wahoo! After the recent success of the new 90210, The CW is in talks to bring back my beloved Melrose Place. Could I be more excited? I think not. :) Just imagine it....the cast all grown up...Amanda in rehab...Alison finally being able to stop whining....Billy getting the girl...Jake being a successful bar owner...Kimberly, oh wait. Kimberly now lives on Wisteria Lane (as does Matt, now that I think about it). No matter. I'm sure she can make a guest appearance to burn down Michael once and for all. My brother Jay should be excited, as his entire nickname was based on a bit character from Melrose (which I won't expand on, since it's a tad bit embarrassing for him). Yee-haw! I'm so excited about this!

1 comment:

  1. Kristen-
    I think that you are in the wrong field! After scrolling through your blog I have come to the conclusion that you should be a magazine writer of some sort. Celebrity Entertainment and Other Ramdom Thoughts by Kristen and it should be published DAILY!!!

    :)Your the BEST!!
