Sunday, October 26, 2008

Spoiled Like the Princess I Am

OK, so it's entirely *possible* that I enjoy going to see my dad not only to spend time with him, but because I get spoiled like a Princess when I'm there (as he's always recognized me as the Princess I believe myself to be). Yesterday, we went to a few movies and then to dinner at Chili's. While ordering, he took the liberty to order my meal (complete with how I wanted my steak cooked, to the two sides, and my complicated beverage). After he did so he asked if that was OK and and I said of course. In fact, that's really all I look for in a dinner companion - their ability to know my predictable ways and anticipate what I'll order (as I get almost the same thing every time). I think it's sweet. He'd also made sure to have Diet Pepsi waiting for me and some Ritz crackers, which I'd requested, to try out the yummy jalapeno jam I'd brought. On other occasions we've had Cherry Garcia ice cream and powdered sugar rasperry donuts, as well. Yum! This morning he brought me breakfast in bed (steak and eggs, as pictured) and then sent me home with stroganoff (which is my fave thing he makes because it tastes just like my mom's did growing up). I like it leftover and cold, hence the taking it on the road plan. We also had fun making snide comments during the movies we saw in the always empty theater (as there were hardly any other patrons in there) and watching Made of Honor on DVD while I did piles and piles of laundry. No gambling this time, but we did have enjoy just hanging out. Thanks for a great time! :)

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