Friday, October 31, 2008


Last night I met some friends at the Spaghetti Factory for dinner after bowling. Unfortunately, our bowling game went way long and I was starting to panic that I wouldn't make it. In the future, I need to give myself way more time to get from one activity to the next (plus, I forgot I hadn't programmed my VCR to tape Grey's Anatomy, so I had to stop by my place to do that - priorities, you know). Dinner was fun and it was nice to get caught up - especially since my friend Inge is completely Facebook obsessed (like a few other people I know) and I always enjoy talking to fellow fans. Plus, I got to hear a few blind date stories that put my sad stories to shame. :) Ah, the life of a mid-thirties single girl....

1 comment:

  1. Great to see you last night. I can't believe we didn't convice Amy and Tracie to join fb.
