Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Pics from the Past

So, to go along with my newly found journal, I found some entertaining pics. Here are the questions which crossed my mind when I looked at them: Why was I trying to be in the Spokesmodel Category on Star Search? (nice poses, by the way) What was up with the Ogilve Home Perm? These were my Christmas presents one year. The blue doll and pile on the left belonged to my sister. The boombox was the greatest thing on earth. I think it was like 1984 or something.My birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese. Nice Superman shirt. Groovy pink flower hair clip. The droopy pink corsage is probably my favorite part.This was our "group" in grade school. We were called "The Candies." Don't be jealous. My hair is in a side pony and I'm wearing a nerdy vest. I'm mortified.One of my slumber parties. Too bad you can't see my super awesome Lifesaver sleeping bag with the aluminum foil ends. That was the best. The rabbit ears was a nice touch, though.