Monday, October 20, 2008

Movie Weekend

This weekend I was finally able to watch the Netflix movies which have been gathering dust in my apartment. Thank goodness! I usually watch them right away and send them right back so that I can feel like it's worth my money to get DVD's in the mail, but there's just been too much going on lately (and *way* too much good stuff on TV to be distracted by movies). Anyway, I was pleasantly surprised by both movies, especially after waiting so long to watch them. The first movie I watched was Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium starring Dustin Hoffman and Natalie Portman. What a sweet little film! I hadn't really heard good things about it, but I don't know what they were talking about because I found it completely delightful. Dustin Hoffman is so cute as Mr. Magorium. I really enjoyed it.
Next I watched El Cantante starring the husband and wife team of Marc Anthony and Jennifer Lopez. I always love watching films about people I don't really know or topics I want to learn about - this was a biopic about Victor Lavoe, who was a popular Salsa singer. His story wasn't really new (the ascension to fame, drug use, complicated relationships, etc.), but it was interesting. If you feel like watching some good movies, I highly recommend both.

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