Monday, October 20, 2008

Jack Black Makes Me Happy

I don't care who you are, Jack Black equals funny. OK, so maybe you think he's a little over the top and possibly maniacal, but he's still pretty darn hilarious! I found this picture he'd taken at Sundance (which just happened to be on the same time I saw him on the street) and had to share. Sure, he looks a little sleepy and, truth be told, I kind of jumped in front of two little girls to get the picture (hey, they weren't fast enough), but that's our little secret. To be fair, the kids were totally bogarting his time, and my picture only took one second. Plus, they need to learn how to be if you think about it, by butting in, I was only HELPING them be better people. So there.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE Jack Black!!! He's so funny and even cute. He was completely adorable in "The Holiday." I always wished that they would have cut out Cameron Diaz's character completely and just left it with Kate and Jack. They were so cute!!! I love him in "Kungfu Panda", too! :)
