Monday, October 13, 2008

Iowa or Bust

My mom called me the other day to let me know she's found a house in Iowa. Um, what? I expected her to say they'd be moving to North Carolina, as she and my stepdad love to vacation there, but Iowa? Who moves there? I have to admit that when she told me, despite being at lunch, I started crying like a big ol' baby. Where did that come from? They currently live in Spanish Fork (about 45 minutes away from me) and while it's true they travel a lot and I don't see them as much as I'd like, it's still comforting to have them so close. Other than that, the farthest I've lived from her was when she was in California and I was in Utah. So, this was a surprise. Oh my goodness, just typing this is making me cry. Who knew I was such a softie? Oh, wait. EVERYONE. :) Of course I want them to do what makes them happy and I know my stepdad hasn't been thrilled in Happy Valley (but, then again, who's ever happy living in Utah County? Shush, Debra), but it still feels really far away. I'm sure whatever happens will be fine, it's just sad to think about.

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