Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Gale Harold = TLF

As Nic Cage is quickly losing his ranking on my hot celebrities list (see today's Celebrity Wrap Up for further evidence of his obvious decline), I think it's time to introduce my latest celeb crush. Well, actually, it's not really new, but since he's on Desperate Housewives this season, he's way more prominent on the radar. Meet Gale Harold. YUM, right? I truly fell in love with him when he was on Queer as Folk (which was a phenomenal show) playing the cooler than cool role of Brian Kinney. Sigh. He's just sex on a stick. Tragically, he was recently involved in a bad motorcycle accident and is laid up in the hospital. It's times like these when I wish I lived in California so I could sneak into the hospital and pretend to be his nursemaid (so I could give him a spongebath, duh). :) Alas, I'll have to be content with sending him good wishes and love from afar. Get well, soon, Gale. xoxox

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