Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Come One, Come All

Have you been dying to see what all the fuss is about with Cindy Ree's (technically called Cindy Lee's)? Have you been clamoring to meet McFamily or see the adorable McP in person? Have you been dying to see Diet Coke girl in action, or just want a big pink hug from me? Well, then, you're in luck! If you're in the mood for some tasty Chinese food, come on down to Cindy Ree's Cafe, 264 S. Main St. in downtown Salt Lake City around 6:45 p.m. for food, fun, and good friends. Could a better time be had? I think not. Of course, I realize this is short notice, so if you're busy tonight, we're there every week! Wednesdays are officially Cindy Ree's nights - come join the fun! :)


  1. i want to come some night! but tonight is enrichment and i get to play the piano - so i will put it on the calendar for next wednesday. i love chinese and i love the mc family and the pinky.

  2. That would be a hoot if I showed up sometime...
