Saturday, October 25, 2008

Celebrity Wrap Up, Saturday Edition

Hello and welcome to today's edition of Celebrity Wrap Up.
Ay, carumba, Salma. What was the exact look you were going for? Old Spanish Woman in Mourning, Old Spanish Woman with No Taste, or Let's See How High Up I Can Wear My Pants?And now for today's entry into Cutest Celebrity Offspring, I present Moses and Apple Martin. So adorable! But what's with celebs not cutting their kids hair? Is it some new trend? I'm not a fan.I love Naomi Watts and Liev Schreiber. I love how unconventional their relationship seems (how they won't really even recognize it, yet have a one-year-old and another baby on the way - an immediate baby on the way - like Irish twins). They just seem like the cool kids who are going to do whatever they want. Plus, she's BFFs with Nicole Kidman.Um, Jennifer, since you're a mother now, I thought you might want to know that one of "them" is trying to escape. You might want to watch that.
I love Mandy Moore. I know, I know, other people might not be mature enough to admit it, but I do. Because of my love for her singing (I TLF her last album) and even her acting (I use that term loosely) I could *almost* forgive her jean jacket, circa 1987. And the mini skirt? Um, I'll allow it. But those, NO. Those shoes are uglier than Salma Hayek's shirt (and that's saying A LOT).

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