Thursday, September 11, 2008

Who, Me? Procrastinate?

The good news is that I *finally* finished scrapbooking my pictures (which went back to the beginning of the summer). Applause! The bad news is that between my scrapbooking, my movie watching, and my packing for my trip, I was up until the ridiculous hour of 4 a.m. UGH. Needless to say, I'm wiped out and was late for work (not surprising, since I could've slept for 100 more years). I do feel very relieved to be finished scrapbooking, as I wanted to bring my photos to show my sister without them being all loose and unorganized. However, I'm a walking zombie. Perhaps I'll somehow get a bit of rest on the plane, since I know I won't sleep once I get to Arizona (as slumber parties for 11-year-old boys don't tend to be filled with lots of rest periods). Now, why did I put everything off until the last minute? I knew I was going....why all the drama? Oh, wait. I forgot who I was talking about for a minute.

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