Monday, September 29, 2008

San Francisco, Here I Come

The other day I received an exciting email from my "gay husband," Michael. For those who don't know, Michael was deemed my "gay husband" when we both worked on staff at Sundance years ago and he was the Will to my Grace. Whenever anyone needed to find him, they'd say, "Where'd your husband go?" Hence, my "gay husband." Sadly, Michael moved back to San Francisco years ago and I only get to see him on special occasions. But, I'm excited to announce that he'll be marrying his partner, Andrew, in a few weeks. I'm so happy for them! He sent me an invitation to attend a little gathering after they exchange their vows and I couldn't be more thrilled. I adore Michael and Andrew and wish them every happiness in the world. I can't wait to attend and share
their special day. They'll be having a bigger shindig next year, but this will be a nice, intimate affair. My friend Joe (apparently, he's my designated wedding date) has volunteered to come with, so it should be fun. I can't wait!

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