Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Pretty in Pink

I can't believe I completely spaced talking about one of my favorite movies in the world. That's right, this should come as NO surprise at all, but I triple love Pretty in Pink (what?!!? that's shocking!). I recently re-watched it (OK, perhaps for the 956th time) and I've gotta say, still loving it. Could Molly Ringwald rock those granny glasses more? Could Ducky Dale (aka Jon Cryer) be any cuter? Could Blaine (aka Andrew McCarthy) be any dreamier? YUM. All around, yum. Again, this will surprise you, I'm sure, but I made our entire limousine full of friends watch Pretty in Pink on our way to our Senior Prom (could anything be more perfect? I think not). It was awesome. And I've always thought my dress kind of resembled Molly's in the movie....maybe not, but it kind of had that vibe. What do you think? Oh, and no, that wasn't my prom date - just my dear friend, Brad. Such a sweetheart. I posted these pics on Facebook and I swear I thought he might disown me as a friend. Oops. :)

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