Thursday, September 25, 2008

People are WEIRD!!!!

It must be bizarre-o week or something. The other day I received an email from Triangle to sponsor him in some stupid charity thing. (Not that charities are stupid, mind you, but he is, and asking me to support his stupid self is even worse). The most offensive part about the email? His last paragraph said he was reaching out to his "closest friends and family" and knowing he could count on them (or some crap like that). I immediately responded and said I found it entertaining that he denied my friend request on Facebook (yeah, I'm not bitter at all) and yet he considers me one of his close friends and family? Wow. Quite a conundrum. Today on myspace, I received this lovely ditty from some random unknown: My name is mark ........I have read all about you and your zodiac sign and it is very good. You are perfect for me. You excite me so much; I live for each day I can come there and spend time with you. I have dreams of you and awake aroused. I could picture you with me and it was so vivid ... I will always be yours. I am truly lucky indeed to have found such a dear, sweet, loving person as you, an aquarian, a woman, and not just any woman, but such a beautiful, sensual woman who arouses such unbridled passion in me - thoughts of total passion without reserve in giving myself to you completely. I remain yours forever. The time will pass and I will be there for you.....Well if you need me email me at blah blah blah (he did include it, but to protect the not-so-innocent, I've deleted it). Um, I have no words. Plus, I'm a Taurus, anyway. So weird! Is it a full moon or something?


  1. I laughed so hard reading your message from your admirer on my space. How funny and then to hear he had the wrong sign. Thats great!

  2. Wow! What is it with men and being attention whores these days?!? It's best to stay away from them...that's what I do :-D

  3. Holy wacked out! People are weird!!! I feel sorry for you for having to filter through all that crap!
