Sunday, September 14, 2008

Monkey's Hawaiian Photo Album

I know you've all been patiently waiting Monkey's photo album from his Hawaiian vacation with Auntie T (I know I have!). After she posted the photos, she was nice enough to write this note on Galoon's (aka Monkey's) Facebook Wall: "Hi G! We had the best time in Hawaii....sorry about your nuts...but you met new cousins, hooked up with some new friends & DRANK ALOT. But most importantly....YOU GOT LEI'D......" At long last, Monkey's trip to Hawaii:


  1. Those pics are friggan hilarious!!! Monkey sure is one heck of a party animal!!!

  2. I think my fav is the one that is top/right!

  3. I love these photos especially the drunk monkey. Classic!

  4. Those pics are too funny! What's even funnier is that I'm completely jealous that he got to go and I didn't! I marry a hawaiian and have yet to be able to go there. UG!!! hahaha :)

  5. I am SOOOOOOO jealous of Monkey! I want to be chillin' in Hawaii instead of being chilled in Utah!
