Thursday, September 4, 2008

Missed Connection???

So, one of my ultimate goals in life is to be a Missed Connection on Craig's List. I know it's silly, but how cool would that be? It's so random and full of kismet. For those who don't know, the Missed Connections section is where people post messages to people they saw on the street, or lost track of, or wanted to meet, whatever. I'd love to know how many people actually meet and fall in love after responding or finding each other on Missed Connections. That'd be so interesting to me. Anyway, today there's the following posting (it's got to be a joke, right? Someone messing with me?): Pink to the core - m4w - 35 (SLC) You love pink, right? LOVE it? I miss your gigantic smile and your even bigger rack. Yeah, those boobs are legendary honey. What I wouldn't give for one more night in your pink palace. Someone must be trying to get my goat or something. That can't possibly be real. Only a few people on earth know of my desire to be a Missed Connection. Perhaps they're trying to trick me? It's good that I have a positive attitude, right? :)


BCassFam said...

Wow. You have to find out who that is from. Ummm hello.

Christi said...

I like this mystery. Keep me posted. We MUST find out who it is!