Monday, September 22, 2008

Meet McG

(**WARNING TO DAD** This post combines a Monkey picture and one of "the baby" so you have my permission to skip it) Ladies and gentlemen, it gives me great pleasure to introduce McG - otherwise known as McH's mom, Holly, who has lovingly come to help McFamily with McP. She moved here from Florida last week and is excited for all their McAdventures. :) *yes, I realize I overdid it there* I went over for Sunday Dinner with McFamily and finally got to meet the infamous McG. She's a hoot! We're going to a movie today (McH, McG, and me) - I'm finally going to see The Women - and I'm excited! I also had to show off the super cute onesie I picked up for McP in AZ - it's one of those "someone went to AZ and all I got was this shirt" type things, which always crack me up.

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