Wednesday, September 3, 2008

McP goes to Liberty Park

McP and I had a good time at the park yesterday. She loved to see the birds and all the activity going on around us. Her eyes couldn't stay still on all the happenings around the park - babies in strollers, dogs on leashes, birds running was a baby's paradise. Her cute little feet kicked all over in delight. It was a nice walk.
After our walk we ran by my apartment to record 90210 and as I was setting up the VCR (yes, I'm totally old school and still use VCRs to record my shows), McP snuggled right into my side. It was the cutest thing. Next, we met McB at Cindy Ree's and apparently we didn't feed McP enough because for dessert she decided to gnaw on the table (!). I guess teething babies will put anything in their mouths! McH is busy working in big Hollywood, but she'll be back on Saturday.

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