Wednesday, September 10, 2008

McP and the Teeth

Cindy Ree's with McFamily last night was full of McP goodness. I can't believe how big she's getting! Although not displayed in the picture, she's almost got SIX teeth!!! Still gumming the table, though, despite all McH's efforts to feed her rice and chicken. The cutest part was McB (in the red shirt of course) was pointing at her and saying "You the baby!" while she pointed back. Sadly, my camera wasn't quick enough to catch her pointing back, but, trust me, it was cute! :) By the way, if you want to see something SUPER cute, check out McFamily's blog (in my link list called Pyper's parents) - they posted a great video of me and McP holding hands a few weeks ago as we walked. Should I be concerned by the fact that the waiter knew "my usual" and didn't even have to ask? Yikes, am I really so predictable? Don't answer that.


BCassFam said...

That organge lighting in the background is spooky.

MaryDoYaWantTo said...

McP is so friggan McCute...