Thursday, September 18, 2008

It's a Twilight Crazed World

I haven't read these books, but apparently the world has gone Twilight crazy. I hear people talking about them constantly. Should I read them? Or is that a wee bit on the trendy side? Gotta admit, I'm feeling a little left out. There's no reason why I wouldn't like them...hello, they're about vampires and apparently a love story. Right up my alley! I devoured the Anne Rice Vampire Chronicles like nobody's business. I worshipped those books. This seems like a natural progression into the vampire realm, but I don't know. Perhaps I'm just feeling some loyalty to Anne Rice, as though reading these would violate my love for Lestat (that's right, I refer to him as my dear, dear friend....because I'm completely in love with him). What do you think? Who's read them? (Yes, Ruthie, you can pipe in...I know you have mad Twilight love).


  1. i think you'll slurp them right up but they're no lestat. not in the slightest. none of the deep thought provoking tension. in my opinion. it's mostly a beach book as my high school history teacher would have called it. i read the first and stayed up until 3 am. then i regretted it. i don't dare touch the others - books that promote unhealthy behavior in me are off my list.

  2. I am reading the fourth one right now and they are entertaining, but I am definitely not obsessed. In my opinion you could read them and not feel like you are cheating on Lestat or Anne because you won't love them as much. However, they are something to hold your attention and it's fun to discuss the books with others. Go for it. I would offer them up to you if I owned them, but I don't like them enough to buy them so you will have to find some other whipped sap to borrow them from. Does that help?

  3. You should read them. In fact, if you want to borrow mine you can. You won't be cheating on Lestat. Remember that the author of Twilight is a total MO.

  4. Ellen Degeneres had the author on her show the other day. Still hasn't made me want to get off of my butt and read them. All of my friends are totally Twilight crazy, too. I'll wait and see how the movie does. Then maybe...we'll see.
