Once upon a time, I was driving home from work in the middle of the day. It was a nice, sunny day, about 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and I was driving in the fast lane on Highway 101 when I looked down for a second to glance at a picture (I know, I know, but it seriously was one second). When I looked up, my car was veering slightly to the left (as we've all done a million times) and I jerked the wheel too severely, causing my wheels to overcorrect. Unfortunately, my wheels were totally bald and my car did a 360 across the freeway, rolled down a hill, and into a tree. It was the scariest thing to ever happen to me (aside from being hit by the diesel truck in college, but that's a story for another day) and I

swear I saw my life flash by my eyes in slow motion. When I finally stopped spinning, my car was upside down and I crawled out of the window, but not before my arm smashed through it when I rolled. I was bleeding everywhere and wasn't sure from where. Luckily, a whole line of cars stopped, two medics were on the scene who bandaged up my arm and the ambulance was there before I knew it. I was taken to the ER where I saw my mom's face show fear for the first time (as a nurse, she was never phased by my little accidents...until then). My then-husband sat in my room for a week while I went through two surgeries to cover the holes in my arm. Even after I recovered, I could feel glass in my arm and had to have another surgery. Three surgeries, too many staples (instead of stitches) to count, and three months later, I was back to work. My "monster arm" or "scarm" finally healed (well, as much as it could, I've still got major scars) and it still scares small

Nine years later and I can still hear the tires squeal and wonder why I'm here. The officer on the scene was certain no one survived. I wish I still had the picture of my smashed car, because you'd see how much of a miracle it is that I'm alive. There wasn't any room in the car, it was completely smashed. How did I make it out? When the diesel hit us, it was the same thing. Everywhere but where I was sitting was completely smashed in. Is there some divine purpose for me to be here? If so, could someone please tell me what it is? :) Anyway, as it was nine years ago this week when I rolled my car into a tree, I just wanted to take a moment and reflect on the day I regained my life. Once I recovered, I left my husband and my life started anew. Nine years later, here I am. Scarm and all.