Tuesday, August 5, 2008

You've Got a Friend in JT

The James Taylor concert was so awesome. I'd never seen him live before and he rocked the house (or amphitheater/lawn as it were). He can certainly tear it up and groove for a 60-year-old man. Plus, he was hysterical. After he introduced the band he said, "I know you don't care who they are, but if I don't introduce them they get pretty upset. It's a cold bus ride home, if you know what I mean." So funny. Plus, a bunch of friends were also there - I ran into Megan and her husband, Kevin, as well as McBrian and McHeidi who won tickets last minute. Megan was surprised that I liked JT, but she doesn't understand that I grew up with all kinds of oldies music. My parents were huge fans of JT, Simon & Garfunkel, The Beatles, Harry Chapin, Buddy Holly, The Everly Brothers, etc. My dad plays guitar and piano by ear, so we'd sing along to all these tunes growing up. One day I'll have to share with you about our family's singing group, but that can certainly wait. It's all about JT today. We did go see Paul Simon a few years ago with my sister in Long Beach, but I think this concert was even better. Way to bring down the house, JT! :)

1 comment:

Meg Rogers said...

Yeah for James Taylor! It was so fun to see you there...I loved it. It really was a great show, we have just been spoiled by so many other great JT shows and this one had too many covers. But he does rock, no doubt. You are right, the people watching is divine at one of these shows. Dave Matthews should be even better, more young druggies.