Friday, August 15, 2008

The Wackness

I can't believe I totally forgot to blog about this movie, since I noticed it'd been released. The Wackness was my absolute favorite movie at Sundance this year (in fact, I saw it twice at the festival, which is huge - the only other movie I've ever done that with is Little Miss Sunshine, which is also hysterical). The movie stars Josh Peck and Sir Ben Kingsley and is set in the mid-90's. It is SO funny, unique, and brilliant all at the same time. In fact, it won the Audience Award at Sundance this year (so it wasn't just me that TLF'd it). Josh Peck plays a drug dealer, but he's such a sweet little guy who's just totally crushing on Olivia Thirlby. Sir Ben Kingsley is his therapist who buys pot from him. Sir Ben has also got a scene where he makes out with Mary-Kate Olsen which is....interesting. OK, so perhaps I'm not giving it the summary wrap-up it deserves, but it's about so much more than dealing drugs. It's just really cute and funny. I highly recommend it. Here are some pics with some of the cast from the movie (and no, I don't know why Sir Ben looks so ridiculous).

Mary-Kate Olsen

Sir Ben Kingsley

Olivia Thirlby (she was also the best friend in Juno)

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