Friday, August 8, 2008

Synth Pop Rules My World

Wow. Wow. Wow. Last night's concert was so awesome. I can't even put into words how much fun I had. I'm so glad the venue changed to The Depot, because we were able to get in the front row and had an amazing view. I almost lost my voice I was singing/screaming so loud. Angie and I went to dinner right next to the venue, which was perfect, and then proceeded to take a walk down memory lane. I swear, every song transported me back into Junior High. It was so bizarre to be looking at these people who are responsible for these phenomenal pieces of music which have factored so heavily into my life. And although they look, um, a little worse for wear (hello, if they were big in the 80's, you can only imagine how ragged they are now), their voices were still magnificent. Especially the guys from ABC and Naked Eyes. Oh my gosh. They just had to utter one note and I was 12 again (did I ever stop being 12? I suppose that's a different discussion entirely). First up was Naked Eyes. OK, so here's my Postsecret of the day regarding Naked Eyes: I LOVE THEM. So much. Like seriously, ridiculously, true love. I know every song, every lyric, and their song, "Always Something There to Remind Me" is my absolute favorite song in the entire world (sorry, Robert Smith). I didn't realize they still performed, since one of the founding members died about nine years ago, so I was quite happy to learn they were still around. The guy on the left is the lead singer and the guy on the right is the keyboardist. They were SO good. It was incredible and at the end of the set the lead guy danced with me! Well, from the stage, but we definitely had a moment. TLF. Next up was ABC and WOW (I told you I can't stop saying that) - what a show! Now, granted, if James Taylor was in his 60's, then the lead singer from ABC could've been JT's dad, but no matter. That old man can boogie! Did I just say boogie? I must be tired. He tore up that stage and his voice was exactly the same. I forgot how much I love ABC. I mean, not TLF like Naked Eyes or Belinda, but I definitely left thinking I needed to download some old hits. "Be Near Me?" Come on! It was 8th grade all over again!I was lucky enough to run into the lead singer of ABC during Human League's set. Yay for old 80's pop stars!Next up? My BFF (but doesn't know it) Belinda Carlisle. What a freaking great performer!!! She kicked some serious ass. That girl can rock! Plus, we were RIGHT THERE!!! I almost lost my mind. Angie was laughing at me the whole time because I was such a dork. Oh, Postsecret of the day #2? I, um, made Belinda a sign. Yeah, I was that girl. It asked to get a pic with her (hey, you need to go after what you want, right?). She saw it and read it and kinda looked around like, "How's that going to happen?" but it was cute. We had a moment. Plus, obviously, we have this super cute pic together (that she wasn't aware she was posing for, but whatever). This guy is the guitarist in both ABC and Belinda's band (at least on the tour). I had a little crush on him while he was performing. I'm not going to deny it. :) Well, both him and the keyboardist in Naked Eyes. I must be in heat or something. The last act up was Human League and my last Postsecret of the day was that I *may* have been outside for a majority of their set trying to stalk, I mean see, Belinda. Obviously, that didn't pan out, but I tried, and that's what matters. I saw the bands I was most interested in (although apparently I missed a great set by Human League). Oh well. It was the perfect way to end my concert going season. What a totally tubular, awesome show! :)


  1. I am sooooooooo jealous!!! I remember being in the 5th grade and doing a lip sync act to the GoGos "We've Got the Beat." And then in jr. high my mom bought me ABC's tape. (remember those? hahaha) I still remember being jealous of a friend that had the parental advisory sticker on hers....mine didn't. hahaha

  2. You are the ultimate 80's girl.
