Thursday, August 21, 2008

Still Being Awake at 4 a.m. is the Pits

Ahhh, insomnia. How I (haven't) missed you. It's so nice to have you back again (she says, dripping with sarcasm). Last night was particularly bad. I was up watching game shows at 4 a.m. I would've screamed if I thought it would help, but alas, it would've just keep me awake longer. I've got clients visiting today and I'm not sure if that kept me awake (as I needed to be here for breakfast and was afraid I'd oversleep), or if it was just your general everyday run-of-the-mill sucky insomnia. Whatever it was, I'd like it to be over now, please. I've had it the past few nights and I'm done now, thanks. To add insult to injury, the later I'm awake, the more my nose drips - potential cold brought on by sleepless nights? I'll pass.


  1. You should have called me Sheaner. The insomnia fairy visited me last night as well. Grrrr! I was online though (were you wondering how I knew Jason was the new bachelor so early in the morning??) I never know before you. How fun to find out first! No post about the new Bachelor????

  2. You should have called me Sheaner. The insomnia fairy visited me last night as well. Grrrr! I was online though (were you wondering how I knew Jason was the new bachelor so early in the morning??) I never know before you. How fun to find out first! No post about the new Bachelor????

  3. Man! I hate insomnia as well. You start watching late night TV and two weeks later you receive OxiClean and Ginsu knives at your doorstep.
