Sunday, August 10, 2008


I'm so excited! I've wanted a pair of rollershoes forever, but I thought they only made them for kids. Now, it's possible they do only make them for kids, but my tiny feet fit into a pair (for $15, no less - score!!!). Granted, I don't know how to use them and while I did wear them out tonight to meet McH, McB, and McP at a crack bbq, I thought I might die. And they're no help - they wanted to video tape me trying them out (evil, pure evil). I made sure to walk on the front toe part, as to not disrupt the wheel part, but I think they could be a lot of fun. Now, I'm not sure when I'll ever wear them again, as I fear my 100-year-old butt is going to hit the pavement instantly, but they do look super fun. At least McP was able to hang out with Pink Monkey at the crack bbq.


  1. I will go rollershoeing with you anytime. Colton has a pair and I wear them all the time. They are so much fun. It did take me awhile to kind of figure it out, so be patient with it, you will get the hang of it.
