The next logical step in the musical evolution of expressing your love was the infamous and beloved mixed tape. I wish I'd kept every tape I ever made or received because they truly are timeless and wonderful expressions of oneself. What could be better than receiving a mixed tape in the mail? Nothing. I repeat, nothing, stands the test of time like showing your love on a mixed tape. I still make them today (granted, they're now CD's, but you get the point). 

My friend Jeff found this awesome website where people share stories about the mixed tapes they've made or received. How fun! I wish I'd come up with that idea. It's perfect! To visit it, go to: http://www.cassettefrommyex.com/. 

I still have one of my mixed tapes that has me on the radio winning tickets to disneyland. hahaha Ahhhhhh...good times. :)
You are such a 80's girl.
I remember give mixed tapes to my friends and they loved them. It showed that you gave up some time and thought about what they'd like to hear.
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