Sunday, August 24, 2008

Letter to your Younger Self

I found this letter in Marie Claire magazine from a contest called, "If I'd Known Then." Women were encouraged to write a letter to their younger self and give advice. This letter was my favorite - written by a lady, 47, to herself at age 18:
Dear Mary Kay,
You won't believe this. It will be a shock, but today one of your sweet friends died in her sleep. She was so young, healthy, active, and happy. This will bother you because it is so unexpected. Because life can end so quickly I must tell you something. You have a "saving" nature. When you were small you saved your candy until it spoiled. You save clothes that you never wear. You will save your china, stainless flatware, and crystal. You'll save gift cards that later expire. You'll even save perfume until the scent changes. Don't do this anymore. Use and enjoy all the wonderful things you have. Time is passing quickly. Take each day as a gift and live it to the fullest. Enjoy all that life has to offer before it's too late.
Savoring everything, Mary Kay

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