Saturday, August 9, 2008

Chinese Craving

Today was a chill day. I slept in, watched some movies, cleaned my apartment, and then met up with McH, McB, and McP for a little Chinese food. We were actually craving Cindy Ree's, but they were closed for some reason (the nerve!!!), so we ended up walking a few extra blocks and trying out a new place. It wasn't as good as our beloved Cindy Ree's, but it was still a tasty treat. McB convinced McH and me to try some new things and they were actually really good. They'd taken McP to a festival earlier and dressed her in some princess attire (which was perfect, since she is a little pink princess). It was a nice, relaxing day and I've been getting in some much needed rest. My body was wore out from all the recent adventures!

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