Thursday, July 17, 2008

Will Work For Pendants

The Twilight Concert series at the Gallivan Center is so much fun. It just started up again for the summer last week and it was packed! Luckily, McBrian and McHeidi live across the street from where the concert is, so not only can I park there (thanks, guys!), but McBrian was able to convince his less-than-straight (who, me, judge?) ward member to save some seats for us. Bless his heart. Unfortunately, after McBrian and Miss P left, his friend kind of lost his Cher-loving mind and snapped at a bunch of people around us. He was almost as entertaining as the bands and people watching (since after Miss P left, I didn't have anything nearly as cute to look at). The best part about the concert is that my friend Travis has a booth there (the same place I get my necklaces at the Farmer's Market on Saturdays). I think I might just have to make Thursdays at the Center a new regular thing because hanging out in the booth was super fun. We could still hear the music, had chairs, were away from all the annoying people/big crowd, and had plenty of water, breeze, and good conversation. Plus, when I'm hanging out there, I inadvertently end up selling necklaces, but since I'm not only a client but also a huge fan (does that make me like the Hair Club For Men President?), it doesn't feel like work at all - it's just me sharing my love for the pendants with others. It rules! Fun, friends, and far out pendants all in one place? Mark me down for a yes! :)

1 comment:

  1. So sorry I missed the concert. Did you get a new necklace?
