Thursday, July 10, 2008

What's Mine Is Mine, What's Yours Is Also Mine

Isn't it funny to watch kids play? I loved watching the kids try to share this past weekend (try being the operative word). Why is it that they don't want a toy at all until someone else is playing with it? Or, if two kids have the exact same toy in their hand, they don't want their toy, they'd like the other person's toy. What is that? Are these just inherent skills we all have that something isn't attractive unless it's receiving attention from someone else? My niece actually has a hilarious trick. If her brother wants, say, a ball, she'll give him a book. Is she sharing? Um, yes, but probably not in the desired way. Still, I like the way she thinks. Very creative. It doesn't solve the problem, but it certainly makes me laugh. :)
When you think about it, things aren't much different when we grow up. There are still things we see others have that we'd like. We still covet thy neighbors stuff and want what we can't have. But, did we learn these behaviors in childhood? Does everyone act like this, even in some minor way? Are we always trying to "keep up with the Jones'?" I'd like to think we grow up and somehow mature, but I'm not sure that's necessarily true.

1 comment:

Meg Rogers said...

you make a very good point the mother of a 3 yr old who struggles with sharing I just assume he will grow out of it one day. Probably not. Sigh...