Friday, July 11, 2008

Walking Down Memory Lane

Last night I may have gone a little bit picture crazy. Well, actually, I was just going through some old photos and came across the Mother Load of pictures and had to share. Since we've been talking about old pictures from childhood anyway, I figured it was the perfect time to display my treasures. Special notes should be paid to the following things: *My mother can oftentimes be challenged with centering a picture (most of these are cropped, but you can really see it in the Halloween picture) *Notice the matching clothing (the only difference being the colors - I was usually in pink or red and my sister was usually in blue) *How do you like the Dorothy Hamill cuts? Cute, no? :) *Obviously, pictures were mainly taken on major holidays. What's up with lovingly holding the stuffed animals up to our faces? Yikes.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my mentioned there that you're Mom used to dress you in pink and your sis in this where your love of pink began...or was it before that?
