Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Thirty Hours of Hell

This morning on the radio they were talking about a lady in Germany who called the authorities because her friend had been talking to her for thirty hours straight. Holy crap! Now, trust me, I know plenty of people who can talk (and it's possible that sometimes I might be one of them), but thirty hours? I'd be done listening to that after, like, three. Tops. I can't even imagine having someone talk for that long. What would be left to talk about? I'd pretty much be reciting movie lines by then. Apparently, the lady first called the ambulance, who wouldn't take the neverending talker away, and then she called the police, who finally did take her away. Here's my question: If your friend won't shut the hell up and you have her escorted away by authorities, does that mean the friendship is over? I'm guessing YES.

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