Monday, July 7, 2008

Sunday is Picture Day

As we were walking home from church yesterday (yes, I went, and the building didn't fall down or anything), Owen decided that the fire hydrant would be the perfect place for a photo opportunity, so he placed himself in position and waited for my camera. I guess we must take a *few* pictures, if he's already trying to pose himself. As it was the last day we'd be all together, we took a few other pictures as well. So, I was joking the other day that I couldn't really be honest on my blog about this weekend, since I know at least some of my family reads it, but there wasn't really any drama to report. I had a little meltdown the first night because I was way too tired for my own good, but otherwise I think a good time was had by all. It was nice to spend time with my brothers and their families and I especially loved watching the dads they've turned out to be. They're both so sweet and cute with their kids. As a sister, and especially as their oldest sister, it makes me proud and touches my heart to see them interact with their children. Even when they're putting their kids in "the naughty spot" (and believe me, this was a spot visited incredibly often), they're tender, strong, and loving. I was so happy to be able to see this side of them, especially now that they both have multiple children. It's also fun to watch my mom as a grandma, because she's so fun and playful. The kids are lucky to have such strong and sweet influences in their lives.

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