Thursday, July 10, 2008

Someecards Are The Greatest Thing Since Sliced Bread

Sometimes when I'm looking at the new cards at, all I do is wonder the following things:
  • Why don't I work there?
  • Why didn't I think of something so obvious?
  • How can they see inside my head and know what I'm thinking?
  • These are so funny - it HAS to immediately get posted on my blog
Obviously, today was one of those days. These cards are so "on the nose" they kill me.Wouldn't this be great to send to someone who disappeared? Not that I EVER have people who disappear, of course. :)Now, this would've been perfect for one of my Mandates. Alas, I have zero patience and can't wait for a Mandate to use it.This is even funnier now that I have a blog. I'd actually seen it before, but I didn't have a blog before. Now it's HYSTERICAL! :)Um, yikes. This one might be a little too true. Well, sometimes. Maybe on a rare occasion. Possibly once in awhile. OK, always. :)

1 comment:

  1. Do you get any work done at work? ha ha! Love all the new comics and old pics of you & the sibs when you were kids!
