Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Sister Love

My friend Marisol asked me the other day if my sister and I looked alike when we were little. The way my mom tells it, she used to get stopped on the street by people all the time asking if we were twins. Granted, I was two and my sister was a baby (why would anyone think that would make us twins???), but I do think we definitely looked alike (perhaps it was the matching outfits???)


  1. Ahhh now I see exactly what you are talking about with the matching outfits and what not!

    On a totally different note...I can't get on yahoo this morning. After I got off the phone with you I went and passed the f*@$ out. I tried to text you but no reception in bed.

  2. Oh my I love the purty dress. Ah what joy there was dressing on the 80's.
