Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Possible Spoiler Alert??

Now that we're down to the Final Two, it's about time for me to start getting obsessed (who, me?) with The Bachelorette. Well, with the winner, that is. I realize I may already be a *tad* bit obsessed with the show (since I do a post about it every week), but this is just how I am. When I get really into a show I'll start reading message boards and scouring the internet for any possible clues to the winner. I've got a sickness, I'm telling you.
According to the posts I've been reading, Jesse getting this kiss on the cheek is not good news for him, when you contrast it to the big kiss Jason gets. However, check out their proposals. Where's Jason's ring? Why does it only show him starting to get on his knees? Jesse has a ring. Why would they let both of them propose? I don't understand. It seems unnecessarily harsh. There's also a rumor that Jeremy comes back to tell DeAnna that Jesse has a girlfriend (!). WTF? If that's true, at least then I'd be able to crossover to Team Jason once and for all. At this point, I'm way too much in the middle to be able to make any decision. Jesse's face looks so serious. Love the pink shirt though. Oh, do they really need to say it's the MOST DRAMATIC CONCLUSION EVER?!?!!? We're going to watch either way. Lay off the melodrama, Chris.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, so it's not a total spoiler. Whew! I am so into this show this year too. This is my one guilty pleasure and I am embarrassed that I am this absorbed into it. I really hate the premise of the entire show, I think it is horrible to have all of these men or women vying for one person's heart. It breeds heartbreak and it is really crue. That said, I am a sucker. Big time. If I had to do a prediction, I would say that I am about 63% sure she will pick Jason. So the spoiler doesn't really surprise me. There is no way that Jesse has a girlfriend through this whole thing though...I don't believe that for a second! Thanks for your posts, it is so fun to check your blog after watching the show. I am obsessed too.
