Saturday, July 12, 2008

People Suck

Farmer's Market was super crowded today. Why do people walking around (especially the ones with kids) take so freaking long? I understand that it might be slower moving when you're carting around of bunch of people, but then kindly move to the side and let others pass. Is that so hard? Why are you all walking in the middle of the freaking path, forming a wall of sorts with your whole bloody family, and then stopping whenever you feel like it? Why do you make me hate you? I met McHeidi (since she's now in love with my necklaces, as well - I've converted another!) and it was obvious that chivalry is dead. Um, hello, she's got a stroller. Be nice to her! Freaking people.
The sun wore out Miss P in about five seconds, but before she dozed off I was able to snap a few pics. I love the hand before her head - hello, future supermodel! For a quick snack, I got a yummy fresh mozzarella ball from Caputo's Market. Delicious! I used to eat these all the time in Italy. There's nothing better than a ball of cheese in some water. YUM! :)
After the market, I walked over to the Gateway mall to do a little shopping. I bought some hilarious books and other things over at Urban Outfitters to make me laugh. Have you ever been there? They've got some hysterical stuff. They especially made me feel better about all the freaking stupid people today. Do weekends make people crazy??

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