Monday, July 14, 2008

Meat Meat A Glorious Treat

Yum! Wow, I hadn't been to Rodizio Grill for years and I'm surprised they didn't need a wheelbarrow to get me out. OK, that was somewhat dramatic (shocking, I know), but
my goodness that was a lot of food! I tried to snap a few pictures of our feast. My dad was stoked they had some soda he used to drink on his mission in Uruguay. Notice he's wearing his super cool "Archuleta is Betta'" t-shirt (can you tell he's a fan?).
Before the delicious dinner, we went to check out the movie Hancock with Will Smith. We really wanted to see what the "big twist" was (that had been compared to the type of surprise in The Sixth Sense), but alas, we're still not really sure what it was. The movie was enjoyable, though, so I'm glad we saw it. When we got home we watched P.S. I Love You. Have you seen that? It's really cute. My favorite part is watching Lisa Kudrow pick up men. She says the same thing every time: Hi, what's your name? Are you single? Are you working? If they answer all the questions correctly, she kisses them as the final test. Perhaps I should try that? I wonder what type of results I'd get??

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