Sunday, July 20, 2008

Mamma Mia - Here I Go Again

Anyone who'd like to go see a fun, sing-along movie should go and see Mamma Mia! The scenery was amazing, the plot is light and fun, and the music just makes you want to sing out loud. Having seen the play in Vegas, I wasn't sure if I'd like the movie more or less, but I did love how much more they were able to do with the landscape and scenery. Plus, the songs were shorter in the film, so it made them more realistic (since sometimes the play version made it seem like they were trying a little too hard by singing every other sentence). Granted, I could've done without Pierce Brosnan trying to sing, but at least he looked good with his shirt off. Meryl Streep was fun to watch in such a light role and she actually wasn't a terrible singer. Overall, it's a cute movie with a great soundtrack. Plus, after watching Wanted (overly bloody and violent) and The Dark Knight (pretty dark, no pun intended) this weekend, it was a very welcome change!

1 comment:

  1. I have been wanting to see this movie...Glad to know that it was good. Thanks for the review
